2014年10月5日 星期日


Cranberry's Health Benefits     小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎 
(錄自星島週刊 第 656 期)
小紅莓味道有點酸,但是含有豐富之維他命A﹑維他命C﹑維他命E﹑ 初花色素 (或 稱濃縮單寧酸)﹑磷﹑兒茶素 (Catechin) , Vaccinin 等, 具有非常好的抗氧化, 抗菌及淨化效益。近年來的研究更發現。小紅莓富含抗氧化的多酚類物質,適當服 用有增強免疫系統,防止泌尿感染的作用。其實, 美國的原住民自古就知道,小紅 莓對尿道炎及膀胱炎等泌尿器官疾病有效,把它當作藥物使用。飲用小紅莓汁可對 人體提供類似天然抗生素的保護作用,不但可當作天然抗生素,也能夠有效地遏止 抗生素濫用。

小紅莓被稱為(對付膀胱炎) 和(尿道感染的最佳武器之一。專家建議一天喝一杯果 汁。可以減少尿道,陰道方面的細菌感染風險。若是己得尿道感染疾病,除了吃抗 生素外?如果每天再喝點蔓越莓汁。將有快速改善病情的效果。資料也顯示,蔓越莓 還可以有效(抑制幽門螺旋桿菌附著於腸胃內)。(幽門螺旋桿菌就是導致胃潰瘍甚至 胃癌發生的主因)。它也具有很強的(抗氧化作用) 。可以降低動物硬化對人體所造 成的身體傷害,還具有(預防心血管疾病)的功能。還有人說,小紅莓的汁對治療花 粉過敏也很有好處。 

小紅莓醬 (Cranberry sauce) 含微量納質及豐富食用纖維﹑維他命C 和一種巨效 力的抗氧化營養素-花青素原。醫學研究指出。小紅莓有效防止尿道及膀胱發炎: 令 外, 它含的抗氧化營養更能減少因細胞氧化而引致的心臟病, 癌症和其他老化疾病。 鮮小紅莓本身帶有苦和酸味, 所以常用砂糖來變甜。要減少攝取糖份可以用耐熱的 代糖作調味或用低糖小紅莓汁來煮其醬汁。小紅莓醬做法十分簡單。把洗淨的小紅 莓放進鍋裡, 加溫, 加一點水。小紅莓加溫後破開來, 適時攪動一下, 免得鍋底的 燒糊, 面上的還沒煮開, 等鍋裡所有的莓子都玻開就差不多了。可以根據口味加一 點兒糖,

明星廚師 Emily 的蒜味小紅莓醬 製造方法﹕ 
一袋新鮮小紅莓, 兩頭大蒜切碎, 一杯新鮮橙汁,一個肉桂棒( CINNAMON STICK), 一茶匙楓糖漿(MAPLE SYRUP), 2 茶匙牛奶, 鹽輿胡椒適量, 將小紅莓﹑肉桂棒﹑橙 汁倒在鍋內煮到小紅莓皮破, 橙汁減少, 呈醬狀, 加入楓糖漿, 牛奶, 大蒜等, 加 蓋子燒 2 分鍾, 從爐子上移開, 加藍鹽和胡椒, 沙司可以冷吃或熱吃, 

Cranberries prevent urinary bladder infection
(translated from the Sing Tao Weekly No. 656)
Though slightly sour, cranberry is rich in the vitamins A, C and E. Pigments of its flowers in early stage (tannins), phosphorus, catechin (catechuic element), etc. have good antioxidant, antibacterial and purifying effects on human being. In recent years, research found cranberries rich in antioxidant polyphenols, hence can be used to enhance the immune system to prevent urinary tract infections.
Long time ago, native Americans knew cranberries are effective in curing urinary diseases. Drinking cranberry juice can provide protective natural antibiotics without getting the abused effects on the body.
Cranberries are known to be the best weapon against bladder inflammation and urinary tract infection. Experts suggest drinking a glass of cranberry juice everyday can reduce urinary tract infection and the risk of having vaginal bacterial infection. Drinking cranberry juice supplemental to taking antibiotics will rapidly improve the clinical results on urinary tract infection.
Data also showed that cranberry can be effective in inhibition of H. pylori which can cause stomach ulcer and gastric cancer. It is also a strong anti-oxidation, playing an important role in lowering the risk of artery hardening and in prevention of cardiovascular disease. Some even say that cranberry juice is of great help to people with allergy.

Recipe of Emily's Garlic favor cranberry sauce: A bag of fresh cranberries, 2 chopped garlic, a cup of fresh orange juice, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon maple syrup, 2 teaspoons milk, small amount of salt and pepper. Cook cranberries, cinnamon stick, orange juice in a pot until cranberry skin breaks open and the mixture turns sticky. Add maple syrup, milk and garlic. Cook 2 more minutes with the pot covered. Finally add add salt and pepper. Eat cold or hot at your preference.


